Congratulations On Three Seasons Of The Eden Podcast!


We are celebrating our arrival at the end of Season Three on The Eden Podcast. I’ve started getting messages from some letting me know you have listened to all of the episodes up to this point. Congratulations! You have just completed a major achievement!

We don’t hand out certificates just yet. But I would like to encourage you for your achievement.

Let’s look at what has been accomplished!

Season One of The Eden Podcast is the foundation of it all. What happened in Genesis 2-3 is so important to what we know of God, of one another, of the liar who attacked murderously at the Tree, of the difference between the responses of the man and the woman and of God’s responses to all three.

We focused especially in Episodes 6 and 7 on God’s 11 Hebrew words to the woman in Genesis 3:16. Basing our insights on the research of Dr. Joy Fleming we observed that God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way! And we learned much more.

That’s why we put all of Season One in a book and added Study Guides at the end of each chapter. The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3 is 124 pages long in paperback. It is available from Amazon and shortly should be available on Audible. I encourage you to get at least one copy for yourself today! Just go to Amazon HERE.

Season Two is about Ephesians 5:15-6:9. Because people haven’t begun at the beginning of this passage at 5:15 and ended at the end of the passage at 6:9, and because people haven’t recognized the way Paul developed his ideas inside the passage building up to his key idea in 5:32 there has been much that has gone wrong in their interpretation of this passage.

Thanks to the insights we gained from a true view of Genesis 3:16 we were able to understand it all much better. This was especially true of Paul’s advice on teaching and admonishing one another and in submitting ourselves to that input from one another.

Season Three is about 1 Timothy 2:8-3:13 in context. We covered so much good material here and marveled at Paul’s loving and merciful attitude with the overseers who had gone astray in the church at Ephesus.

So, here’s how I would like us to encourage one another!

1. Spread the word! Of course, first take what you have learned and apply it in your life as God moves you to. Then tell others. You can refer them to the entire The Eden Podcast series. You can refer them to several specific episodes. My favorites in Season 1 are Episodes 1, 6 and 7. (But really I like them all.) My favorites in Season 2 are Episodes 3, 4 and 6. My favorites in Season 3 are 2, 5 and 6. Here’s a LINK

2. I’d love to have you join with us as a subscriber for the Tru316 Project. Here’s where your reward comes in. When you go to and type in the one word tru316, I’ll e-mail you a free digital review copy of my book Women and Men in the Light of Eden. In simple English, this book gives a slightly different presentation of the three passages covered in Seasons 1-3 of The Eden Podcast. Portions of it have been translated into French and into Mandarin Chinese. This gift is my thanks and your reward for subscribing at any level to

3. Now here’s a BONUS bonus for some of you. Do you have comments? Do you have questions about anything we have covered in the first three seasons of The Eden Podcast? I will doing a zoom group and hope to include you. It will be presented live and by replay afterwards, starting THIS Wednesday at 8 a.m. or 8 p.m. Central time. It will run for three weeks on May 12, 19 and 26. The price will be $3.16 for each week (of course 316). So the total will be $9.48. The number admitted will be limited so act fast and sign up at

Bruce C. E. Fleming

Founder of the Tru316 Project,

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NEW! Key insights on 7 passages on women and men.

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