Disagreements? Mistranslations? Reasons for the new Tru316 Foundation! by Bruce C. E. Fleming, co-Founder of the Tru316 Foundation (Tru316.com)
You know how people are having difficulty understanding the Bible’s stand on women and men in the church and in the home? There are disagreements how to live and even on what the Bible says.
I’m Bruce C. E. Fleming and my wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, and I have spent a lifetime studying the KEY VERSE of Genesis 3:16 and the related seven KEY PASSAGES on women and men. Now, we’re putting together a NEW ministry, the Tru316 Foundation, to spread the word! (Tru316.com)
There have been 100,000 downloads of our podcast episodes and Bible translators are now starting to consider ways to “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16 and the other key passages. Sound interesting? Sound important? It is!
We want to invite you to “true” the verse as well. Because the 11 Hebrew words of Genesis 3:16 are not being clearly translated into our modern translations.
We’ve asked people on three continents what they think God did in Eden. Most say God cursed four times. They say “God cursed the serpent, the woman, the man and the ground.” But they are incorrect. God only cursed twice: the serpent and the soil. Why do they think differently? Because of mistranslations and misinterpretations, and this is a real shame.
Here’s how you can “true” the verse.
1. You can read The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3 by Bruce C. E. Fleming or listen to The Eden Podcast (http://www.TheEdenPodcast.com).
2. You can dive in with eight online lessons in The Eden Course. Watch the short videos. Take the quizzes. Use the linked resources for each lesson (http://www.TheEdenCourse.com), as presented by Jessica Nagy.
3. You can discuss the Bible with others in a small-group setting. Join the next cohort of The Eden Workshop, led by Mimi Ouimet. (Learn how to sign up HERE.)
People fall in love with the Bible as they read Genesis chapters 1 and 2. But they are disappointed by what they read in chapter 3. It looks like the bad guys win, that Eve was a fool and that God was untrustworthy! Many of our students have told us that these were their reactions in reading their modern Bible versions at Genesis chapter 3. Have you ever had similar thoughts?
When God’s good news is clearly translated from Hebrew into English, especially with Genesis 3:16, God’s love and God’s grace become clear! Because God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way. And once Genesis 3:16 becomes clear, the seven related passages on women and men become clear as well! But most people have not yet heard the message!
Are you ready to get involved? Dive in now. Start studying using the teaching method you learn from best – the book, the podcast, the course, the small group workshop.
Better still, join with us as an early supporter of the Tru316 Foundation. Here’s a LINK: https://www.patreon.com/Tru316Foundation
Can we talk? Call or text or write Bruce C. E. Fleming. 612-229-0007. Bruce@Tru316.com.