Do You Have A Tru Story To Tell? About The Launch? The Podcast?

Do you agree the church has a problem in its messaging about women and men? Have you experienced this or heard it is a problem for others?

We take this problem seriously. At the Tru316 Foundation we have discovered the problem usually can be tracked back to Genesis 3:16 and the mistranslation of God’s words there to the woman in the Garden of Eden. When we studied God’s 11 Hebrew words in that verse and we studied the passage around that verse it turned out that God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way!

The response needed? Get the word out to people who read these verses in flawed English translations that God’s word is full of good news, not bad news, for women and men!

Our Launch Event for the Tru316 Foundation occurred just a week ago on 316Day, March 16 2023. Were you able to attend? Live or by replay? (To view or review the event and the great speakers please go to and click on the player window.)

We had a great time (especially in person, sampling the mouthwatering charcuterie and confections during the Meet & Greet before the start of the live stream). The speakers opened the eyes of many as to how translating works and as to how God leads.

We’re gathering stories! Ever give a review on Yelp! Or on Amazon? Are reviews important? Yes, they are! I’d like you to record a 30 second video telling what the Launch meant to you. Or tell others on your video clip what the Tru316 Message means to you. I’ve asked Mimi to collect these videos. We’ll post them on our YouTube Channel and feature some of them on The Eden Podcast. Let others benefit from your good words!

Text it to Mimi at 434-258-9450. Or, would you like to book a short Zoom session with us to do the recording together? We can do that too. Just e-mail Mimi here and she’ll set up a time to do that:

I’m looking forward to adding your testimonial to the Launch Event experience!


Bruce C. E. Fleming

Executive Director

Tru316 Foundation ( 612-229-0007

Wait! Wait! Can I ask you to take action in at least one of these three ways?

1. Record a testimonial and text or E-mail it to Mimi!

2. Sign up for an upcoming 8-Day Fast Class. It is called The Eden Workshop on Genesis 2-3! Enroll here! (or here:

3. Support us as a Tru Partner so we can grow our team to get more work done! Give now! (or here:

Thanks so much!

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NEW! Key insights on 7 passages on women and men.

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