Free 2 Page Bible Study To Share!


THE EDEN BIBLE STUDY is now Available!

On The Eden Podcast Bruce is doing episodes on THE EDEN BIBLE STUDY with two special guests! Natalie Ann Hoffman of the Flying Free Podcast and Dr. Bill Rudd author of Should Women Be Pastors?

This coming Tuesday evening’s LIVE zoom meeting we’ll walk through it together! THE EDEN BIBLE STUDY is intended to introduce learners to the Tru316 Message that “God didn’t curse Adam (or Eve) or limit woman in any way!”

AND for those who want to go deeper we have two courses!!

One is The Mini Course on God’s 11 Hebrew words to the woman in Genesis 3:16.

The other is BRAND NEW! Here’s the link. It is The Eden Course and walks you through the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2-3 using The Book of Eden as the textbook. In The Eden Course is where the reminders of important facts and the new discoveries come fast and furious. In each of the eight great lessons Jessica Nagy presents the video lesson. Then there is supplementary material and a fun quiz! You can even become an affiliate to help spread the course! Ask about that in our MMM or email me

I’m looking forward to seeing you LIVE at 7 p.m. (Central Daylight Time) this Tuesday evening, or by replay afterwards!

Bruce C. E. Fleming

Founder of the Tru316 Project (

Your FREE copy of THE EDEN BIBLE STUDY in PDF for is at this LINK

Or email for your FREE 2-page PDF!

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NEW! Key insights on 7 passages on women and men.

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