What if we had a retreat, seminar, or an online workshop entitled, “Mistranslations of Genesis 3:16 Poison All Verses on Women.” The goal would be as follows: Insights will be immediately transferable when interpreting other verses on women and men in the Bible.
To give some perspective this question would be asked: What if a mistranslation of John 3:16 happened at the word “believes”? What if Bible editions poisoned their translations of John 3:16 by using the word “deserves” instead of “believes”? Other changes in the verse would have to be made. And the theology of the poisoned translation would be changed for the worse! This is similar to what is done in Genesis 3:16 where the words in line one of the verse – “sorrowful-toil and conception” – are replaced with the words – “pain-in-childbirth.”
Could this be a worthwhile seminar, course or online workshop?
Next, a look at some of the content that would be covered in “The Mistranslation That Poisons All Verses on Women.”