Satan Has Struck At Our Heel Too


To our Patreon Partners!

Tru316 Day 2021 is a big day! And I want to thank YOU for being a big part as a MEMBER of the Tru316 Project through

Today is much bigger than 316 Day 2019! But that was the start. Two years and two days ago I registered our domain That was the start of the Tru316 Project. I subscribed for a website. I started a blog. I took a cut in hours and poured myself into learning how to do Workshops. In August we started on Zoom with the first of our 20 bi-monthly Think Again Workshops. Gary was our first subscriber. Thanks Gary! And thanks to all the others who joined.

Today is much bigger than 316 Day 2020! We released our Tru316 gold medallion, designed by Les who also did our great book cover design. We produced our first graphic on Genesis 3:16. And we celebrated knowing bigger things were yet to come! We enrolled our first members on Each of you 15 members joined in the next months! We moved our Workshops to our new YouTube Channel. And started The Eden Podcast!

We’re starting to gain traction! 316 Day 2021 seems like a settled thing. It belongs on the calendar. We all love John 3:16 but 316 Day belongs to Genesis 3:16. This is the privilege of being the first mover in any area.

I wanted to contact each one of you personally today. But this morning was taken up with school van driving, working on the release of paperback version of The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3 with volunteer Joanne, and on the Audible version with our great sound technician, Larry. These will become available in the days to come! This afternoon was taken up with inviting hundreds on Facebook to purchase the Kindle version, since it is what we have available on the day. And I thanked our endorsers who are in the book. Especially supportive has been Judy Douglass.

So. Much. More. But for now let me remind you that I get the chance to thank you all publicly and by name in the book! I’m so pleased to be able to thank you in this way!

Pray for me and the Tru316 Project will you?


Bruce C. E. Fleming

Founder, the Tru316 Project

Here is The Book of Eden Kindle Share Link And here is the 3-Pak link to order three discounted and signed paperback books ( Simply copy and paste them in your emails and social media posts! Be creative!

We’re receiving good feedback. People are being helped. More on that next time I think.

As of right now: 20 paperback copies pre-ordered. 15 Kindle books sold and delivered.

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NEW! Key insights on 7 passages on women and men.

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