Lots of fun!! There are two special bonus episodes on Season 5 of The Eden Podcast for you to listen to and share with another. Each one by a different veteran interviewer.
This week Canadian blogger Sheila Wray Gregoire of The Bare Marriage Podcast (LINK HERE) interviews Bruce and asks about “head.” Together they talk about “head” and “submission” as covered in the new book Bruce just released: Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5-6.
Next week Author Natalie Hoffman of The Flying Free Podcast (LINK HERE) gets Bruce talking about growing up in a dysfunctional home, and about more details during ministry in Africa. We then look at how Adam was a first-degree eater. And more details about Genesis 2-3!
Plus a limited time FREE book offer is made on the episode. YOU can get it here too. https://tru316.com/free
Bruce Fleming
Founder Tru316.com
P.S. Did you know? Seventy percent of podcasts are discovered thanks to a referral by a friend. Please share the links above with a great person you choose!
P.S.S. Three books pictured above??? Yes!
Shelia focuses on Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5-6.
Natalie focuses on The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3.
The FREE book offer is Women & Men in the Light of Eden.