Question. You wrote about the woman’s “decendance” in Genesis 3:16. I think you mean her “descendants.”
Answer. Hmmm. Not an English word?? We may have been influenced by the French word “descendance” which is singular. Sorry. We first wrote about this in Strasbourg… France.
Here is the comment you are questioning. We refer to these two words in other comments too.
“Speaking of the descendance or seed (zera‘) of the woman, God says to the serpent, “He will bruise (shuph) you on the head and you shall bruise (shuph) him on the heel.”
Your question is a perceptive one. In this case the two Hebrew words in view (“seed” or zera‘ in Genesis 3:15 and “conception” or heron in Genesis 3:16) are singular. So it is -ance.
The two words when spoken out loud sound the same. And yes her -ants are implicated in the singular word. But it is the One Seed Who is promised here. 🙂
Next, she learns of multiple children coming to her in what we call Line 2 of 3:16. With effort you will bring forth childREN!
You can learn more about her descendance in Man and Woman in Biblical Unity by Dr. Joy Fleming and of course in her doctoral dissertation (write to order a copy from