Here is the Tru316 message in English:
I will multiply your toil and your conception.
With sorrow you will bring forth children.
Your affection is for your husband,
but he will rule over you. (Genesis 3:16)
Here are the eleven Hebrew words to the woman and their transliterations:
Line 1 harbah ‘arbeh ‘itsabonek wə’heronek
(1) Multiplying (2) I-will-multiply (3) your-toil (4) and-your-conception
Line 2 bə‘etseb teldî banîm
(5) with-sorrow (6) you-will-give-birth-to (7) children
Line 3 wə’el-’îshek teshûqatek
(8) and-to-your-man (9) your-desire
Line 4 wəhu’ yîmshal-bak
(10) but-he (11) will-rule-over-you
Commentary on God’s words to the woman in Genesis 3:16:
First God acts.
Line 1: “I will multiply your toil and your conception.” Line 1 is not a curse on the woman. God acts in two ways. “Toil.” God will curse the ground because of the man (as recorded in verse 17) and then both he and she will experience sorrowful toil as they work the ground with their hands. “Conception.” God confirms she will have pregnancy and bear offspring who will crush the head of her enemy (as recorded in verse 15). This is part two of the protevangelium that began in verse 15.
Then God explains.
Line 2: “With sorrow you will bring forth children.” Line 2 is also not focused on childbirth. In Lines 2-4 God explains to her what has happened and what will happen as far as being a mother and a wife is concerned. Modern mistranslations incorrectly make it look like God talks about “pain” in Lines 1 and 2. Outside of Eden she will experience psychological “sorrow” as she raises children who will also stray from God’s will. Consider what sorrow she had when Cain rejected God’s advice, eventually murdered his brother and then continued to reject God’s counsel. God did have good news for her. She would have more than just one offspring. She would fulfill the good creation mandate to be fruitful and fill the earth. She will have “children.”
Line 3: “Your love is for your husband,” Line 3 is where God looks into her heart after the attack by the tempter. God finds she still affectionately “desires” her husband.
Line 4: “but he will rule over you.” Line 4 is where God warns the woman that her husband’s heart has changed. He desires to usurp God’s proper place and rebelliously will “rule” over her himself.
(cc) Bruce C. E. Fleming, the Tru316 Project,, April 16, 2022
Go deeper? Try The Eden Course (Genesis 2-3) Go to