The following question was asked by a student taking the Tru316 Project’s TruSchool INTRO Course, “Lesson 4. The 7 Key Passages on Women and Men.” (Here is the link to that course:
1 Timothy 2:14 – And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
What does this verse mean? What is the true translation? I’m guessing this KJV is not correct since it’s saying that she was the one in transgression. But at least it’s correct in that “Adam was not deceived” and “the woman was deceived.”
Many people come to this verse being critical of Eve because of their misunderstanding of Genesis 3:16 and context. They see this verse as being critical of Eve. This is not the case at all!
As Paul states in verse 14 Adam was a deliberate rebel. God judged him as a first-degree eater by cursing the ground from which he was formed.
Eve on the other hand was a second-degree eater. Only after being deceived by the one Jesus called the Father of Lies did she eat the fruit.
Paul brings this up to justify his advice to Timothy to gently put the women overseers who had gone astray into a retraining program. He was to let them learn (1 Timothy 2:11-12) as did all rabbinical students who learned in order to teach.
This question is gone into in greater detail in Season Three of The Eden Podcast and will be available in the forthcoming third book of The Eden Book Series, Back to Eden, 1 Timothy 2-3 by Bruce C. E. Fleming. (Here is the link to Books One and Two which are already available.)
Bruce C. E. Fleming
Founder of the Tru316 Project (
Instructor of the TruSchool INTRO Course, “Did God Blame Eve?”