Watch Out For Recurring Pollution!


This is scary! And it can mess up the people you’re teaching the Bible. It is the return of pollution!

Once the pollution covering over Genesis 3:16 is cleared away and we have clarity and joy from the power of God’s cleaned up true Word, the pollution can come seeping back around the edges. If we’re not careful it will cover over parts of our clear view again! Aughhh! This is why we need to review and refocus.

I love the confidence my students gain in teaching the message of Genesis 3:16 and the seven key passages on women and men. I love to hear and watch them teach the Word with clarity. But then I hear a clanging noise. Somehow from somewhere I hear them teaching a point that comes out of the blue and is very much against the message of the passage!

Where did that come from I ask later. “Oh, I came across that from reading that other person,” they say with a smile. Nope. Won’t work. I reply. That idea is polluting the message. It goes directly against the meaning of the words of the text we’ve studied before.

“Really? How does the text go again? Wow. That other idea seemed so good for a while. But I forgot what I learned from you about the verse.”

When I correct a friend like this I do so very humbly because I’ve struggled with these passages for forty years. I’ve fought step by step to understand these passages once my wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, cleared up the meaning of Genesis 3:16 and showed me that God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way. We need to keep our finger on the text as my professor Dr. Walter Kaiser loves to say. And we need to review and reteach the basics over and over again.

Please take my Mini Course “Tru316 and You!” as a review and a refresher of your Bible knowledge. Also, we’re going to go deeper with TruSchool if you want. Here’s the link to start with:

Here’s the link to purchase and start studying Genesis 3:16!


Bruce C. E. Fleming

Founder of the Tru316 Project (

Speaker on The Eden Podcast and Author of The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3

Instructor at TruSchool. Study Units are launching soon!

P.S. I’d love to get your advice on the Mini Course format and more. It is brand brand new and your advice will help me as I complete the final version of it! Again, thanks!

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NEW! Key insights on 7 passages on women and men.

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