What Is Mother's Day? Who Is Our Role Model? Eve Of Course!


What is Mother’s Day? A time to think about the very best mothers? About yourself? About your own mother? How about our very first mother – Eve!! 

Our research that went into the Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3 revealed the following:

1. Eve welcomed God’s blessing and walked in God’s image and likeness. (Genesis 1:26-28)

2. Eve was an equal partner with her newlywed husband. (Genesis 2:18)

3. Eve learned God’s words and defended them even under attack at the Tree. (Genesis 3:2-3)

4. Eve labeled the source of evil and confessed her sin to God. (Genesis 3:13)

5. Eve was commissioned by God to combat Satan. (Genesis 3:15)

6. Eve received God’s promise of Messiah and believed in Him (Genesis 3:16 Line 1 and 4:1)

7. Eve heard the sad news of “effort” in childbirth but the good news of children. (3:16 Line 2)

8. Eve heard the good news that God saw her loving desire/affection for her groom. (Line 3)

9. Eve heard the sad news that her husband would try to rule over her in God’s place. (Line 4)

Inspired to think further about Eve on this Mother’s Day?

Get The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3 HERE.

Watch Sheila Gregoire’s interview of Bruce C. E. Fleming HERE.

Listen to The Eden Podcast HERE.

Join the Tru316 Project HERE.

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