Using The Three Keys To Unlock 1 Timothy 2 11 12


Learning about the women of 1 Timothy 2:11-12 from the context!

In Paul’s letter of 1 Timothy there are Three Keys in the context that we must pay attention to.

1. The Mission. Timothy was left in Ephesus to work with the overseers in that church (1:3). Some of them had gone astray in their actions and teachings. Timothy was charged to correct them.

2. The Logos. The repeated phrase, “faithful is the Word (Jesus)” (pistos ho logos), was the high point of the three major sections of the Letter (1:15, 3:1, 4:9). In these three sections we learn that Jesus could keep Paul, the corrected overseers and Timothy faithful in their work.

3. Outline. In Section Two (2:18-3:15), Paul used his own three sins to point the sins of three different groups in Ephesus.

Thanks to these three keys to 1 Timothy we already know a lot about 2:11-12 even without reading the details of the verses. 

Since we know that 1 Timothy was focused on how to correct wayward overseers at Ephesus, we know that the men of 2:8 and the women of 2:9-15 were a group of wayward overseers.

Since we know that Jesus the “faithful Logos” could restore these men and women if they desired to return to service (3:1) we know these wayward ones had been serving as overseers.

Since we know that Paul had already referred to his first two sins of blasphemy and persecution by the time he reached 2:8-15, we know that here he dealt with those who were acting injuriously.

We know then that the women of 2:11-12 were wayward overseers being corrected by Timothy and that they could be made faithful by Jesus and restored to service.

I cover this and much more in our online Think Again Workshop ( and compendium (

Bruce C. E. Fleming

Instructor, Think Again Workshop

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