Mary’s Easter Song

Mary’s Easter Song! © Bruce C. E. Fleming Easter Sunday 2024 She stayed with him beneath the cross while others jeered and others fled. She went to where they buried him out there among the dead. Then, she came to care for his remains that early Easter morn. The tomb...

A Double Meaning for “Spring Cleaning”

by Rev. Bruce C. E. Fleming, DEA, author of The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3 A polluted source. When I was young, my father took me to visit the old family homestead in the hills in which my grandmother and her 11 siblings were born. The Civil War era farmhouse and its...

The JUMP, JUMP, HIGH JUMP Sections in Ephesians 5-6

The Fifth “Therefore Walk” Section of Ephesians 4-6 is Ephesians 5:15-6:9. It is all about The Great Mystery Revealed! But most people have missed this great truth because they haven’t paid attention to the literary pattern of the jump, jump, high jump. by Bruce...
Missing the Word Patterns Leads to Misunderstanding!

Missing the Word Patterns Leads to Misunderstanding!

What word patterns have people missed that has led them into promoting hurtful theology? In Genesis 2-3 about the Garden of Eden: 1. People have missed the 7-point chiasm of Genesis 2-3, in which the high point is 2:25 that highlights the two wonderful relationships...
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