Did God “stab” the woman in the Garden of Eden?

God didn’t “stab” Eve! by Bruce C. E. Fleming, DEA Tru316 Foundation, Tru316.com In the story of Lord of the Rings, the hero Frodo is stabbed in a battle by a Ringwraith’s terrible blade. In that story the wound never heals! In the mistranslations of...

Ten Suggestions for 1 Timothy 2:12

I was asked, “How can I better explain 1 Timothy 2:12 to my pastor? Here are 10 Suggestions. by Bruce C. E. Fleming, Host of The Eden Podcast (Tru316.com) The main idea in this passage is not to stop women from teaching. It is to retrain, and then restore, these women...

Mary’s Easter Song

Mary’s Easter Song! © Bruce C. E. Fleming Easter Sunday 2024 She stayed with him beneath the cross while others jeered and others fled. She went to where they buried him out there among the dead. Then, she came to care for his remains that early Easter morn. The tomb...
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