
The bitter fruit of false teaching on Eden

Eden Fruit. Bitter or Better? by Bruce C. E. Fleming We have a problem. Men women and children across the world have a problem. The whole church has a problem! Know what it is? The problem is that the Good News of salvation announced immediately after Satan’s attack...

Are Mike Wingers’ Three “Pillars” Three “Mistakes”?

When Mike Winger advocates three “Pillars” he actually makes three “Mistakes” A reply to Mike Winger’s last episode of his You Tube series on women and men, by Bruce C. E. Fleming In his own words, Mike came up with “three pillars” for his theology on men and women:...

Did God “stab” the woman in the Garden of Eden?

God didn't "stab" Eve! by Bruce C. E. Fleming, DEA Tru316 Foundation, In the story of Lord of the Rings, the hero Frodo is stabbed in a battle by a Ringwraith’s terrible blade. In that story the wound never heals! In the mistranslations of Genesis 3:16 they...

Mary’s Easter Song

Mary’s Easter Song! © Bruce C. E. Fleming Easter Sunday 2024 She stayed with him beneath the cross while others jeered and others fled. She went to where they buried him out there among the dead. Then, she came to care for his remains that early Easter morn. The tomb...

1 Timothy 2 is NOT about “a creation order”

WHAT DISTINCTION is Being Made in 1 Timothy 2? A blogpost by Bruce C. E. Fleming In 1 Timothy 2:13 there is NO distinction being made based on any “creation order.” That idea is being pasted over the meaning of Paul’s point in bringing up Adam and Eve. In 1...

A Double Meaning for “Spring Cleaning”

Much of the pollution of the theology on women and men can be traced to the mistranslation of the first Line of 3:16. It has been made to read like God struck woman with pain in the hours of childbirth. The Hebrew text in Line 1 of 3:16 tells us that God took action in Line 1 in two ways. But neither action had to do with pain in childbirth!

Have you noticed these Garden Basics from Genesis 2-3?

by Bruce C. E. Fleming, Tru316 Foundation ( 1:28, 2:25 Creation order. United in image and likeness of God, naked and unashamed 2:18 Human relations. Equal partners - husband and wife. 3:12-13 Attack & responses. Two levels of disobedience – 1st degree...

Missing the Word Patterns Leads to Misunderstanding!

Missing the Word Patterns Leads to Misunderstanding!

What word patterns have people missed that has led them into promoting hurtful theology? In Genesis 2-3 about the Garden of Eden: 1. People have missed the 7-point chiasm of Genesis 2-3, in which the high point is 2:25 that highlights the two wonderful relationships...



  by Bruce C. E. Fleming SUPERVERSEs! What comes to mind?  Super Man? The comic book from 1938?  Super Book? The cartoon series from 1981?  Super Fans? The book from 2019? It is time for SUPERVERSEs! What kind of verses? These are the Bible’s super verses on...

My First Trip to Kala, Zaïre … and back

My First Trip to Kala, Zaïre … and back

  Did I ever tell you how, long ago, we lived and worked in Africa? by Bruce C. E. Fleming I was at Kala Village on the banks of the Ubangi River in 1981. How did I get there? I don’t really recall. But on my way home I rode my dirt bike more than 100 miles into...

Victims of Domestic Violence Helped by the Tru316 Message!

Victims of Domestic Violence Helped by the Tru316 Message!

  Did you know? Victims of domestic violence, and those who minister to them, report being greatly helped and encouraged by the Tru316 Message. What is the Tru316 Message? My wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, studied deeply the Genesis 2-3 passage on the Garden of Eden and...

Is Genesis 3:16 about Pain in Childbirth? Yes? or No?

Is Genesis 3:16 about Pain in Childbirth? Yes? or No?

Did God talk about the act of childbirth in either Genesis 3:16a or 3:16b? by Bruce C. E. Fleming, Most people think God punished the woman with multiplied pain in childbirth. Their translations from the Hebrew Bible of Genesis 3:16 give them that...

Genesis 3:16b

Genesis 3:16b

  How the Hebrew Text of Genesis 3:16b Can Be Translated. by Joy Fleming, PhD, PsyD Genesis 3:16 can be translated as follows (with line b in bold): I will greatly multiply your sorrowful toil and your conception. With sorrow you will bring forth children. Your...

Genesis 3:16a

Genesis 3:16a

How the Hebrew Text of Genesis 3:16a Can Be Translated. by Joy Fleming, PhD, PsyD Genesis 3:16a can be translated as follows: I will greatly multiply your sorrowful toil and your conception. With sorrow you will bring forth children. Your desire is for your husband,...

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